10 steps to buying a house

Describe a Situation when Something in Your House Broke

Describe a Situation when Something in Your House Broke

Describe a situation when something in your house broke or stopped working. Please say the IELTS exam What was it? What happened when it broke/stopped working? How did you feel about it? We live in a modern and fashionable era ⏳👗. In our lives, we use many stylish and breakable things, such as glass material, […]

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A House You‟ve Been to ( Not Your Own ) Speaking Cue Care IELTS EXAM

A House You‟ve Been to ( Not Your Own ) Speaking Cue Care

A House You‟ve Been to ( Not Your Own ) Speaking Cue Care with answer You should say: whose house/apartment this is? where the house/apartment is? what it looks like inside? Well, man is a social animal 🧑‍🤝‍🧑, and he wants a beautiful home 🏡 to live in. But, I would like to talk about

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